Field Fortifications In Ukraine
Both Ukraine and Russia have built field fortifications on the territory of Ukraine, consisting of infantry trenches, barbed wire, anti-tank ditches, dragon’s teeth and minefields.
A simple shoulder height trench allows soldiers to fire at
the enemy when standing but only offers full protection against enemy fire when
A head height trench offers full protection from enemy fire
when standing but must have firing points without a protective parapet to allow
soldiers to fire at the enemy.
A better trench design has a firing step to allow soldiers
to fire at the enemy but offers full protection against enemy fire when
However, no trench can offer full protection against
indirect fire from artillery, or from the use of drones.
To protect against the drone threat, simple trench covers
can be used to hide troop positions.
Trenches could also be slightly buried to offer superior
protection however this is more the job of bunkers.
An anti-tank ditch is simply a very large trench that an
armoured vehicle cannot cross without getting stuck in.
Dragon’s teeth are large concrete pyramids that armoured
vehicles cannot drive over; they are most effective when slightly buried
however this takes more time so is rarely done.
These can also be connected by thick steel wire to
complicate their removal.
Both anti-personnel and anti-tank landmines are very common
in Ukraine being either Unburied, partially buried or fully buried.
There is widespread use of unburied scatterable mines in
A typical Russian defence line consists of an anti-tank
ditch, dragon’s teeth and infantry trenches, interspersed with extensive
minefields. Both continuous lines of trenches and spaced-out trench forts are
common across different sections of the occupied territories.
A typical Ukrainian defence line consists of the same core
elements however with a significantly reduced, or no, usage of landmines as
Ukraine wants to avoid landmine contamination of its territory. Most trenches
are built as forts to cover a larger span of the front in the quickest possible
time, with the least resources.
Images Credit:
Ukrainian MOD -
Dobrych -
United Nations Cartographic Section;
Alex Khristov. -
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