Nuclear War Scenarios
Nuclear war is an existential risk that looms over us, the consequences of which could potentially wipe out most of the human race.
For this video I will be focusing on scenarios between the
United States of America and the Russian Federation, but first we need to know
what strategic weapons each side has at the ready on a day-to-day basis,
starting with the United States.
400 warheads on single warhead LGM-30G Minuteman III missiles
in silos,
Around 1000 warheads deployed on submarines carrying 20 UGM-133A
Trident II D5/LE missiles each, with between 8 to 10 at sea at any one time,
46 nuclear capable B52s,
And 20 nuclear capable B2s however about 50 bombers in total
are considered deployed at any one time,
In summary, The US has a large number of single warhead missiles in silos that require an even larger number of warheads to destroy, a large number of survivable warheads at sea at any time and a reasonably sized bomber force. High alert status enhances the survivability of both land and air legs of the triad.
Russia has 170 warheads deployed on 34 RS 20 Voevoda
missiles carrying 5 warheads each, scheduled to be replaced by the RS 28 Sarmat,
7 warheads on Avangard hypersonic glide vehicles deployed
from 7 RS 18 missiles, scheduled to be replaced by the RS 28 Sarmat,
78 warheads deployed on single warhead RS 12 Topol M
missiles deployed from 60 silos and 18 mobile launchers.
579 warheads on RS 24 Yars missiles carrying 3 warheads each
deployed from 22 silos and 171 mobile launchers.
The RS 28 Sarmat missile capable of carrying 10 heavy
warheads or multiple Avangard hypersonic glide vehicles is in development and due to
be deployed in 2024,
256 warheads deployed on 4 submarines carrying 16 RSM-54
(Sineva/Layner) missiles each, with a variable number at sea at any one time,
384 warheads deployed on 6 submarines carrying 16 RSM-56
(Bulava) missiles each, with a variable number at sea at any one time,
55 nuclear capable TU 95 bombers,
And 13 nuclear capable TU 160 bombers, however about 55
bombers in total are considered deployed at any one time,
In summary, Russia has a Relatively large number of multiple warhead missiles in silos that require a smaller number of warheads to destroy, a large number of multiple warhead missiles on mobile launchers that can only be considered survivable when dispersed, a large number of warheads on submarines with a limited at sea rate and a reasonably sized bomber force. High alert status is essential for the survivability of all 3 legs of the triad.
Considering a strategic exchange between the US and Russia,
If Russia launched a first strike against the United States,
Or the United States launched a first strike against Russia,
Due to the survivability of at least a proportion of both
sides nuclear arsenals, especially when taking high alert rates into account,
both sides would be capable of destroying each other in an exchange and
therefore neither side is likely to launch a deliberate first strike.
If, however, the one side believed itself to be under
attack, for example, the US believing Russia had launched a nuclear strike,
The US may launch a pre-emptive retaliation against Russia,
who would in turn retaliate against the United States and both sides would be
destroyed. Fortunately, this is unlikely due to the high survivability of the
submarine force and the large number of warheads required to destroy all US
missile silos, the United States may be able to wait long enough to see if any
nuclear explosions occur on its territory before responding, thus averting a
nuclear exchange.
If Russia believed that the United States had launched a
nuclear strike,
Russia may launch a pre-emptive retaliation against the United
States, who would in turn retaliate against the Russia and both sides would be
destroyed. Unfortunately, due to the lower survivability of the Russian forces,
even when on high alert, this may make Russia feel as though it cannot wait to
see if the attack is real or not and initiate a nuclear exchange. That being
said the USSR had a policy of waiting to see if an attack was real before
responding so hopefully Russia does too.
Despite the mutual suspicion between the two, it is still
unlikely that a nuclear exchange would occur either on purpose or by accident
because neither side believes the other would be insane enough to initiate a
suicidal nuclear exchange. However, the possibility of a tactical nuclear
exchange escalating into a full-scale strategic exchange remains a possibility.
Considering the Russian invasion of Ukraine, if the west
abandons Ukraine and allows Russia to win then Russia may become emboldened,
And attack the Baltics, both from its own territory and
through Belarus, and using Kaliningrad to close the SUWALKI gap.
This would trigger a NATO response to liberate the Baltic
states and bring the risk of a tactical nuclear exchange far closer.
Only by forcing Russia out of Ukraine through aid to Ukraine and sanctions on Russia can this risk be avoided.
Nuclear Forces Data from:
Hans M. Kristensen & Matt Korda (2023) United States
nuclear weapons, 2023, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 79:1, 28-52, DOI:
10.1080/00963402.2022.2156686 -
Hans M. Kristensen, Matt Korda & Eliana Reynolds (2023)
Russian nuclear weapons, 2023, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 79:3,
174-199, DOI: 10.1080/00963402.2023.2202542 –
Images Credit
National Nuclear Security Administration -
DrRandomFactor -
Aivazovsky -
Joe Davila USAF -
Lockheed Martin -
Airman 1st Class Victor J. Caputo USAF -
Master Sgt. Russell Scalf -
ISC Kosmotras -
Russian MoD -
Russian MoD -
Russian MoD -
Russian MoD -
Unknown -
Unknown -
Unknown -
Tupolev press service -
Kamran.nef -
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