Next Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW)
In April 2022 Sig Sauer was awarded a contract for the Next Generation Squad Weapons or NGSW program, their entry consisted of, The XM7 magazine fed rifle with a 13.5-inch barrel, The XM250 belt fed machine gun with a 17.5-inch barrel, And the .277 fury bi-metallic cartridge capable of achieving chamber pressures of 80000 PSI, using either the 135-grain surrogate projectile or Sigs own 121-grain General purpose projectile, The XM1186 general purpose projectile will be of the Enhanced Performance Round or EPR type, with a hardened steel penetrator and copper slug encased in a copper jacket. An entire family of 6.8mm ammunition is in development including general purpose, tracer, special purpose, and reduced range projectiles. The special purpose projectile will likely be an aeroshell type projectile with a polymer aeroshell and a tungsten core. Using a Powley Computer, the muzzle velocity of the 121-grain general purpose projectile can be calculated, calibrating the system...